Anderson Ponty
(too old to reply)
2014-08-09 14:10:36 UTC
Project Update #10: We've Come A Long Way... But We're Not There Yet
For backers only Posted by Anderson Ponty Band ♥ Like
Thank you so much!
Your spirit, energy and enthusiasm for our music have been amazing. And even after all you’ve done we still have so many of you asking what more you can do to help us reach our goal.
Well we have a request for all of you, but we’ll get to that in a moment.
As everyone gets more and more excited about the music, people have been wondering what would happen if we don’t manage to reach goal?
We’re totally focused on the positive energy coming from the band, the music and all of you supporting our campaign… and we believe in our hearts and minds that, with your help, this project will succeed. And we’re not going to let the negativity of any other possibility drag us down.
But we do need your help.
Almost 700 of you have already stood up to be counted as fans and supporters of our music and we’re humbled by the love you’ve shown us. Now we’re asking you to help us find a few more fans. We know they’re out there and we need your help to find them.
If every fan of this campaign brought along a friend, or two, or three we’d be sailing to success. So please use your voice to help Jon’s voice and all of our music get out there to everyone.
What can you do?
1) Spread the word about the campaign on social media.
2) Post on the message boards and share your enthusiasm for the music.
And most importantly...
Reach out personally to your friends who are fans of Jon or Jean-Luc and let them know about what’s happening. If they support the campaign have them tell us “Your Name, sent me!” so we’ll know who to thank.
Doing this without a label means we can make our music our way and share every step with you (and we hope you’re enjoying the demos because there’s more to come!) but it means that we don’t have their media machine to promote what we’re doing. But we have something much much better: we have all of you.
So please take a moment right now and share the message, bring your friends along and let's make this worldwide musical adventure a reality!

♥ Like Comment on Kickstarter

C'mon all you sourpuss'! Put up a couple bucks!

2014-08-09 16:59:41 UTC
Post by y***@gmail.com
Project Update #10: We've Come A Long Way... But We're Not There Yet
One might think this form of fund-raising would be reserved to support new or marginal artists, not established ones. I find the whole groveling aspect pathetic.
2014-08-11 15:58:09 UTC
Post by p***@gmail.com
One might think this form of fund-raising would be reserved to support new or marginal artists, not established ones. I find the whole groveling aspect pathetic.
It's a shit business and, now more than ever, you gotta do what you can to get a project moving. You might find it distasteful, but musicians - established as well as otherwise - have been forced into this sort of thing by the likes of Spotify, Youtube et al. There's no big advances anymore (if any at all in most cases). Cut them some slack.
2014-08-11 19:57:20 UTC
I have no problem with the Kickstarter route, in fact I think it's terrific & it's kinda circling back to the early days in rock when artists wrote and recorded what *they* wanted to, with no interference from record company suits.
As far as APB, I am a backer, I'm curious to see how it all pans out & want to be part of it, plus tossing in a few shekels gets me advance demo downloads which are...interesting, if not exactly overwhelming (so far).

I AM critical about the amount of $$ supposedly "needed", since it's about 10X as much as other artists looking to achieve similar things. Hopefully the transparency promised will materialize & as backers we'll get to see a breakdown of exactly where all the money goes.


2014-08-12 01:13:49 UTC
Post by h***@gmail.com
Post by p***@gmail.com
One might think this form of fund-raising would be reserved to support new or marginal artists, not established ones. I find the whole groveling aspect pathetic.
It's a shit business and, now more than ever, you gotta do what you can to get a project moving. You might find it distasteful, but musicians - established as well as otherwise - have been forced into this sort of thing by the likes of Spotify, Youtube et al. There's no big advances anymore (if any at all in most cases). Cut them some slack.
And all the money they've both made from fans over the past 40-some years? Seems like we're not only expected to support their art now, but their means of creating it as well...isn't that THEIR responsibility? I love John McLaughlin's music...does that mean I should pitch in to buy him a new guitar?
2014-08-12 01:44:11 UTC
And all the money they've both made from fans over the past 40-some years? Seems like we're >not only expected to support their art now, but their means of creating it as well...isn't >that THEIR responsibility? I love John McLaughlin's music...does that mean I should pitch in >to buy him a new guitar?
The music business as it was even 20 years ago no longer exists, as a cursory look at Billboard's charts demonstrates-- Heaven & Earth sells a paltry 8000+ units and that's enough to place it at #26 on the Top 200 albums. *26*! (what did the album at #198 sell, 8 copies?).
Again using H&E, the band were reportedly extremely upset that their new album was leaked prematurely and made available, for free, on shady websites, how many sales were lost because of that? What incentive is there for bands & artists, recording the traditional way of having a label pay a small percentage of each unit sold, to record new music? Very little. So we now have upstarts like Kickstarter to completely change the way the game is played, and I think it's a pretty good alternative to *not* having any new music from artists we admire.
If you could get John McLaughlin's new album (made with the guitar you helped him buy) for a Kickstarter donation of $10, wouldn't you think that was reasonable? "Supporting their art" and their "means of creating it" are intertwined under this model, but the thing is---*you're not paying any more* than what you'd pay had they gone the traditional, now completely obsolete path. And the icing on the cake is your get the music _they_ want to present, free of corporate demands and manipulation, recorded where they want, when they want, for as long as they want to record it.


2014-08-14 00:26:41 UTC
The odds don't look good for hitting their goal of 95k. 20 of 30 days are gone and they have collected 59.3k. 2/3 of the allotted time, and slightly less than 2/3 (59.3/95) of the money. Pledges have slowed in the last few days...
So again, c'mon you sourpuss'! If you can, put up a couple bucks.

2014-08-14 23:23:51 UTC
Post by y***@gmail.com
The odds don't look good for hitting their goal of 95k. 20 of 30 days are gone and they have collected 59.3k. 2/3 of the allotted time, and slightly less than 2/3 (59.3/95) of the money. Pledges have slowed in the last few days...
So again, c'mon you sourpuss'! If you can, put up a couple bucks.
Thanks. I was wondering what the amount was. I pitched in the "advance payment on the CD" on Kickstarter for Renaissance.... but they were only looking for $45K or so to record it?

95K does sound.... steep.

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