Post by MarkFIt would be amusing if the current line-up is on
'Cruise To The Edge 2014' on the same April date
as the induction ceremony...
... and yes, they would have been! The date and city of the induction
ceremony has been announced as April 10th in Brooklyn, and the current
line-up are booked for the cruise until April 12th.
To me, all that cheerleading about the importance of online fan voting
seemed (and will continue to seem) kind of futile. The "fan ballot" is
only one of about 600-700 ballots cast for induction. As it happened, 3
of the 5 nominees voted onto this year's fan ballot WERE inducted...
just not the TOP 3 of the 5. Deep Purple fans are probably even more bummed.
Mark "Rick Wakeman did play on that Cat Stevens song, though" F
Tales From TopBLOGraphic Oceans
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