Question About Steve Howe in YesSpeak vs. YesYears
(too old to reply)
2005-08-03 09:24:47 UTC
I was watching the YesSpeak this past weekend and enjoying it as usual
(Daltry and all) and then today I pulled out YesYears on VHS and
watched most of it, for the first time in almost 10 years. One thing
struck me hard: what has happened to Steve Howes' appearance during
those years? Now I'm not trying to be cruel to Steve, as I am a
slobbering fan boy where his playing is concerned, but I noticed how
well he looked in the interviews on YesYears, especially his front
teeth and the mole on his face was still fairly small. I compared his
appearance to what he looks like in the "Spotlight on Steve" section
and, frankly, was a bit appalled. What happened to his teeth I wonder?
In order to achieve the large gap he has developed between his two
front teeth (ala Letterman), it would seem to me that he would need to
be missing teeth in the back and not have (or consistently wear) a
bridge, as missing teeth in the back will certainly cause the front
teeth to spread out and get crooked. Does anyone know if this is what
has happened to poor Steve? I find it hard to believe that a guy in
his position would let their teeth go like that, severely enough to
cause the large gap he now has. It isn't hard or expensive to fix
those sort of problems with a bit of dentistry. I mean, I know he's
British and all, the bad teeth cliches' abound of course, but his
teeth didn't used to be bad at all and, man, it bugs me to see him let
himself go that way. Also, that mole on the side of his face ... get
it removed, Steveo, please! Sure it will leave a mark where it used to
be but trust me, a mark would be preferable by far to the giant mole!
When I look at him during his interviews in YesSpeak, I am reminded of
Fred Savage in Goldmember.

I believe that someone compared him to Gollum in a YesSpeak review I
read somewhere (completely uncalled for and over the top but he does
have some cosmetic issues, to be sure). Steve, I love ya' for sure but
a little attention to the appearance couldn't hurt, eh? I enjoyed what
he had to say in the YesSpeak project very much but I must say that I
was struck by the changes in his appearance between 1991 and 2003.

Of course, my appearance hasn't changed at all during that time - I
was ugly then and I'm ugly now!

Just sayin',
Charles Clementz
2005-08-03 11:17:10 UTC
Brits never take care of their teeth. It is a Brit thing, and completely
normal. Elton John has a gap in his teeth and they look like they are
getting worse too. EJ has around a billion in the bank, yet his teeth could
be alot better.
2005-08-05 02:26:00 UTC
On Wed, 3 Aug 2005 07:17:10 -0400, "Charles Clementz"
Post by Charles Clementz
Brits never take care of their teeth. It is a Brit thing, and completely
normal. Elton John has a gap in his teeth and they look like they are
getting worse too. EJ has around a billion in the bank, yet his teeth could
be alot better.
EJ lives in Atlanta now, so it could just be the redneck thing...

2005-08-03 13:14:55 UTC
***@tampabay.com wrote:
<< I mean, I know he's British and all, the bad teeth cliches' abound
of course, but his teeth didn't used to be bad at all and, man, it bugs
me to see him let himself go that way.>>

Just so nothing ever happens to his fingers and hands. They are
gorgeous in the music they create :)
2005-08-03 15:52:04 UTC
The biggest mole in rock n roll...go get'em Steven...LOUDER!!!KEEP THE

Post by j***@tampabay.com
I was watching the YesSpeak this past weekend and enjoying it as usual
(Daltry and all) and then today I pulled out YesYears on VHS and
watched most of it, for the first time in almost 10 years. One thing
struck me hard: what has happened to Steve Howes' appearance during
those years? Now I'm not trying to be cruel to Steve, as I am a
slobbering fan boy where his playing is concerned, but I noticed how
well he looked in the interviews on YesYears, especially his front
teeth and the mole on his face was still fairly small. I compared his
appearance to what he looks like in the "Spotlight on Steve" section
and, frankly, was a bit appalled. What happened to his teeth I wonder?
In order to achieve the large gap he has developed between his two
front teeth (ala Letterman), it would seem to me that he would need to
be missing teeth in the back and not have (or consistently wear) a
bridge, as missing teeth in the back will certainly cause the front
teeth to spread out and get crooked. Does anyone know if this is what
has happened to poor Steve? I find it hard to believe that a guy in
his position would let their teeth go like that, severely enough to
cause the large gap he now has. It isn't hard or expensive to fix
those sort of problems with a bit of dentistry. I mean, I know he's
British and all, the bad teeth cliches' abound of course, but his
teeth didn't used to be bad at all and, man, it bugs me to see him let
himself go that way. Also, that mole on the side of his face ... get
it removed, Steveo, please! Sure it will leave a mark where it used to
be but trust me, a mark would be preferable by far to the giant mole!
When I look at him during his interviews in YesSpeak, I am reminded of
Fred Savage in Goldmember.
I believe that someone compared him to Gollum in a YesSpeak review I
read somewhere (completely uncalled for and over the top but he does
have some cosmetic issues, to be sure). Steve, I love ya' for sure but
a little attention to the appearance couldn't hurt, eh? I enjoyed what
he had to say in the YesSpeak project very much but I must say that I
was struck by the changes in his appearance between 1991 and 2003.
Of course, my appearance hasn't changed at all during that time - I
was ugly then and I'm ugly now!
Just sayin',
2005-08-03 16:09:26 UTC
Post by j***@tampabay.com
I was watching the YesSpeak this past weekend and enjoying it as usual
(Daltry and all) and then today I pulled out YesYears on VHS and
watched most of it, for the first time in almost 10 years. One thing
struck me hard: what has happened to Steve Howes' appearance during
those years?
Many years have passed since Yesyears, so Steve has aged, like all of
us. But it's important to note that Yesyears had far superior
production values, including camera and lighting. The interviews in
Yesspeak were poorly lit, which can worsen someone's appearance.

Happily, Steve continues to be a gifted and uniquely versatile
guitarist, which is of course what counts most.
Steven Sullivan
2005-08-03 18:10:43 UTC
If you were into dog knows what 'alternative' medical/health practices
Howe is, you might end up looking like that too.

On the other hand, a liquid diet will reliably bring you closer to the
Chris Squire look.
"You know what love really is? It's like you've swallowed a great big
secret. A warm wonderful secret that nobody else knows about." - 'Blame it
on Rio'
2005-08-04 02:58:19 UTC
Post by Steven Sullivan
If you were into dog knows what 'alternative' medical/health practices
Howe is, you might end up looking like that too.
On the other hand, a liquid diet will reliably bring you closer to the
Chris Squire look.
Quite true. I believe Howe eschews any sort of medical care that would pass
for 'normal' in the US or UK -- dental included.

2005-08-06 14:54:33 UTC
But it's important to note that Yesyears had far superior
Post by Kirk
production values, including camera and lighting. The interviews in
Yesspeak were poorly lit, which can worsen someone's appearance.
Notice how Wakeman's lips look damn near *purple,* like he was having
problems with his circulation.

Frankly, the whole Yesspeak thing stank out loud.

2005-08-05 02:24:02 UTC
Post by j***@tampabay.com
teeth and the mole on his face was still fairly small. I compared his
appearance to what he looks like in the "Spotlight on Steve" section
and, frankly, was a bit appalled. What happened to his teeth I wonder?
Back then they had a budget for makeup people. Plus 10 years of