On Friday, March 1, 2013 4:53:12 PM UTC-5, MarkF wrote: > Peter wrote: > > $1000 for a shared internal cabin? ccjemmett wrote: > Is there gonna be like, girls or what? Tangerine Dream looks like it currently has three female members, and IO-Earth looks like it has one... So I'd estimate the ship will have 4 girls, max. Tangerine Dream had to drop out, one of the members broke an arm or a jaw or both just recently. I still have one cabin berth open for someone who can pay what is really a great price. Figure $200 a day for a cruise to the islands and fantastic music all day every day! I am sure there will be women on the trip, but based on comments to this thread, it doesnt matter where they are, you will still be ignored by them.
it is easy to know that whatever single women might be on this cruise, could be only interested in guys who can't really afford to be on the cruise themselves. What better company is there for a girl than a middle aged guy who's not done very well for himself and is happy to bunk with other guys so he can get on a boat in order to idolize a bunch of other guys?
Rob "I can't even imagine" Allen