Post by y***@hotmail.comI have no issue with you whatsoever dude, you'll note I quoted both of you, I was asking both of you because you share the same sentiment. We're clearly on opposite sides of the fence regarding the band & their new work, but that's fine too, keeps things interesting hehe ;)
You like the current lineup; others don'
Post by y***@hotmail.comI confess, I bought Love Beach when it came out lol, I probably bought 5 or more albums every week back then (when I moved to California I sold them all--turns out I had over 1200 LPs), I can't remember a single song from it, obviously I shelved it early on.
That you bought Love Beach with that cover...well that explains the gullibility part. hehe ;)
Post by y***@hotmail.comI can't compare it in any way to H&E though. I'm not fond of one of the songs, the rest I like to varying degrees, but the ones I like the most I like very much indeed.
What, did you get a bit of Howe speak or Anderson spacy there lad?
Post by y***@hotmail.comSee, I'm more into *beauty* in music these days, melodies, harmonies,
Well, hmmm, I like melodies and harmonies quite a bit, in YES music and elsewhere.
Post by y*** H&E has both in spades,
A spade would be good for burying your copy of the CD. I find the melodies lacking and the harmonies bland to the core.
Post by y***@hotmail.coma song like To Ascend is gorgeous to me, I don't care if it doesn't rock like Release Release, I won't compare the new stuff to what came before, I take it on its own terms and maybe that's why I like it so much.
To Ascend, it's o.k. I guess. Just not much happening, a bit like a song written by someone who just learned to play a few cords. So the song structure doesn't over much. The lyrics...o.k. And really, it's the best they could do at this point. So as a fan for 42 years now, yes, my opinion is shut it down, retire.
It's not about comparison. I didn't compare Magnification to the old stuff when listening. And I found plenty to like. Lots to like for me on the Ladder too. Not so much on OYE or KTA I. I take it on it's own terms too and find it lacking, droll, dull, cloying, see...I don't like, you do. So what?
Post by y***@hotmail.comAs to dragging the fans through the muck, it started long, long before Benoit. I'd say it began with Peter, then Tony........etc.
How did the fans get dragged through the muck, we lost Peter to gain Steve. We lost Tony and got Rick...along with some excellent high quality music?
Post by y***@hotmail.comMonday night I saw a band clearly enjoying themselves, and other than the opening SK (which was a bit slow--for years now they've needed a while to warm up) the tempos were good, in fact CttE fairly galloped along, at least compared to versions from the last 10-15 years,
The old guys got CTTE up to speed after 10 years of playing it like snails. Wow, let's through a party? really...look, glad you enjoyed it. It's not up to snuff for me. Hey, at least Anderson and Ponty are rearranging some classic tunes. YES could have done so much in the last few years, took some chances, they haven't.
Post by y***@hotmail.comand at one point near the start Howe was windmilling his arm to the rest, signifying he wanted them to pick it up even more, they were tight, lots of energy, sound was good, all in all a band in good musical shape so why on earth would they consider packing it in? The audience was hugely responsive, genuine standing ovations all night long, clearly I'm not the only person who enjoys them live these days.
I'm glad for all of you that enjoy it. Seriously, I would never begrudge someone their enjoyment of music.
See, I think you fall to grasp the concept of a music newsgroup. It is just opinions. And you jump on me, tell me I'm negative, and question why I'm posting negative thoughts. And now, it's I have an issue with you or something when I just give you a bit of s--t back in jest.
Post by y***@hotmail.comAs to APB, I'm glad they hit their total, I'm a backer myself, and I really hope the music ends up being more than JA just singing over top of pre-written material, hope there's some genuine collaboration in the writing department. Time will tell.
I thoroughly enjoyed Survival and Other Stories and think it has more energy than H&E and FFH combined. and who cares how they music came about?
Open, didn't like so much.
Yes, I hope Anderson Ponty Band hits a musical homerun, time will tell.
Post by y***@hotmail.comBack to Yes, and to flip your final comment, why should you care if they carry on?
Because I think they are an embarrassment ...
why should you care that I care?
do you see the irony of you going on about my opinion that the band ought to retire?
But seriously, glad you like the music. As I've said, I wish I did too.