On Mar 21, 11:23�pm, Steven Sullivan <***@panix.com> wrote:
> Rob Allen <***@aol.com> wrote:
> > On Mar 20, 5:40?pm, Steven Sullivan <***@panix.com> wrote:
> > > Ok, short but not funny, just true. ?I'm tired tonight.
> > > But in the reply I read before yours,
> > > Rob wrote that he's never posted anywhere
> > > like I have to AMY.
> > > I thought that was kinda *funny*. Will that work for you?
> > I'll guess that whatever is effecting Henry's ability with numbers and
> > reasoning, is effecting Sullivan as well. �Let's see how kinda *funny*
> > the numbers look;
> > Sullivan's posting history - a.m.y 39799, r.m.p 15118, a.m.p-f 9356
> > Those are just the top three on a long list of big usenet posting
> > numbers. �Of course some of those to r.m.p and a.m.p-f might be
> > crossposts from that huge number of posts to a.m.y. �The kinda *funny*
> > fact is, nobody has, or will *ever* _bother_ �to post to a.m.y like
> > Sullivan.
> > Rob's posting history - a.m.y 13502, a.s.f-detroitlions 641, r.m.p
> > 151. �My top three...and those to r.m.p are likely crossposts.
> > If I maintained my current rate posting to a.m.y, it would take over
> > 34 years for me to amass numbers similar to Sullivan. �I'm thinking
> > that's likely to happen.
> Ah, numbers. Henry's better at this sort of exercise than I am, but I gave it a shot.
oddly, Henry's numbers wheels seem to have fallen off lately...or he
just never bothered to check before suggesting that HSWes is currently
on a similar track to Yes in '97.
> I get slightly different numbers for AMY posts: �
> me from Jan 1996 to now: 39192
> you from Jan 1998 to now: 16500
> Those are the using all the email addresses I could mine for me and you,
> and then taking the monthly AMY numbers for those addressed, from
> Google Groups' 'posting history' calendar charts,
> going as far back as I could with them (for me that was 1996, for
> you, 1998)
lol, that's some little bit of bother there, Sullivan. I was only
happy to click on "About this group" and lift the numbers from
there...not a lot of research involved, but with more or less the same
result...I never did post like you...only kinda *half* like you.
> For the period where I have numbers for both of us:
> me from Jan 1998 to now: �31885
> So, you've posted half as many times to AMY as I have, in the
> same period...but half in this case still means over 16,000 times.
> You really wanna play the 'hey lookit him he posts too much HAR HAR' card?
um, I'm not playing any card at all...I've only said that I've never
posted like you. Your numbers support that _fact_, so what's the
> That's what I found *funny*.
lol, right...of course that's what you found *funny*.
I found it *funny* that in your recent posting mode you would wonder
why people would bother to post at all, and then proceed to bother to
feed the Raja.
And now, you'd like to argue...I find that kinda *funny* too.
> But now there's this too: usenet groups about other music, science, audio,
> stuff that's not Yes -- yessir, I've definitely been interested in that sort
> of thing all along too.....whereas you.....maybe *not so much*. �Alert the
> media.
perhaps you shld just _alert the Sullivan_, because he's the only guy
suggesting that that *anybody* has ever posted like him.
> And as for the 'no one has ever bothered' and the 'at my current rate' spins,
> you've bothered to pretty consistently beat my posting rate here for
> the past two years at every level -- daily, weekly, monthly, yearly.
if I can somehow keep that up for the next two or three decades,
*then*...I still would never have managed to post like you.
> bothered to match or beat all but the yearly a few times in the past decade too.
so if you scratch hard enough, you can find something that looks about
half like you.
I'm convinced.
> Hell,someone 'bothered' to beat my then-awesome yearly tally back in the late 1990s:
> Henry Potts. (Don't you remember the posting stat threads he used to put up?)
that really is something, Sullivan.
Still, it's clear that *I've* never really managed to post like you.
> Anyway. The thing trawling through Google reminds me of,
> is that even while Dr. Potts and I were apparently
> hogging bandwidth all those years (with you tagging along somewhere in
> the top 5, IIRC) there was still a couple of dozen fun people posting
> along, who *weren't* mental cases, feeble-minded, trolls, crossposters,
> or all of those combined.
yeah, I remember that.
> Now, not so much, eh?
clearly...and so I suppose it might be fair to wonder why some folks
would continue to post here. But at the same time, there's folks
(Henry included, to say the very least) posting to similar forums,
which IMO are far goofier that even what a.m.y has become...and they
might be doing that just because they want to...they don't see it as a
bother, but instead as something else.
Meanwhile, I still only wondered why you would bother to feed the
Raja. I guess I now also wonder why you would bother to argue all
this...and why you wouldn't just fuck off when politely asked to do
Rob "ok, I do wonder, but I don't really want to know" Allen