Rich Penis Leavitt
2017-03-07 17:44:25 UTC
SIRIUS sattellite radio has a station called Classic Rock that
recently counted down the Classic Rock top 100 songs, as voted by its
listeners. We listen to it in the car once in awhile, as my son,
chiefly, enjoys this kind of music more and more.
The person programming this radio station must have a narrower music
interest than even Raja...
Not really. There must be more than 10 bands on that list ;-)recently counted down the Classic Rock top 100 songs, as voted by its
listeners. We listen to it in the car once in awhile, as my son,
chiefly, enjoys this kind of music more and more.
The person programming this radio station must have a narrower music
interest than even Raja...
It's a typical "Classic Rock" top 100 list, I'm afraid. All the songs
that have been beaten to death!
Agreed!that have been beaten to death!
Jimi Hendrix is apparently the only black person who was recording on
vinyl during this era. It strikes me how segregated music tastes have
become as part of narrowcasting...
Segregation is only a small part of it. We don't have listeners anyvinyl during this era. It strikes me how segregated music tastes have
become as part of narrowcasting...
more, we have *specialists*.
I'm a stoner doom metal guy, personally ;-)
Top rated Deep Purple song is "My Woman from Tokyo"...hmmmm. How many
people voted?
If I had to pick a Deep Purple song, that would be my choice. Eitherpeople voted?
that or Highway Star. That's one of the few bands for which they
avoided the obvious cliche (Smoke On The Water, in this case).
And actually, the list has more Beatles songs than I'd have expected,
based on some of the CR stations I've heard. Count your blessings!
Go back to the basement and play with your Chris Squire dildo.