2015-07-17 11:46:04 UTC
Sábado, 11 de Julio, 2015 de Nuestro Salvador Jesucristo, Guayaquil, Ecuador-Iberoamérica
(Cartas del cielo son escritas por Iván Valarezo)
The time came when our heavenly Father needed to make holy and perfect Abraham as He has always been in heaven's glory before His only Son Jesus Christ (The Rebbe Yeshua HaMoshiach), the Holy Spirit, and the angelic hosts into the millions and millions--for this is His most blessed covenant-family in heaven's glory forever into eternity. And our heavenly Father wanted to make Abraham just as holy and perfect as He has always been in heaven's glory before His angelic hosts, because He wanted to return to live with Adam and Eve in paradise, for the reason that the days that He lived with them were wonderful, and He wanted those days back, soon, regardless of the cost.
However, for this to be possible then He had to make sure that it was possible for men to live with Him in heaven's glory again, not only with Adam and Eve, but also with the children, because each one of them was born in His image to live according to His likeness (His Son Jesus Christ) forever in heaven's eternal life. This meant that since Abraham could never ascend into heaven's glory, because of his sin nature, given that he was born from Adam and Eve's sinful flesh and ill blood, for both eating rebelliously from the forbidden fruit, from the tree of knowledge of good and evil, then He had to live on earth with him for a predestined time.
For this was the only way possible for our heavenly Father to make Abraham as holy and perfect as He has always been in heaven's glory, so he may one day soon, as in his last day, and this was happening anytime now, given that he was already aged along with His wife Sarah--then He had to act quickly. Meaning that, God had to be born on earth not only to live with Abraham but also with Sarah his wife, and everyone else within his household and hometown, because He needed to know, to prepare Himself with His Son and the Holy Spirit, to create a new earth with wonderful skies for the children to love, serve and honor Him, everlastingly.
That is to say, also that our heavenly Father wanted to start His covenant-family not only of His Son Jesus Christ and of His Holy Spirit along with the angelic hosts, but also with Abraham and his loved ones, including the children promised to him diligently in the generations ahead, so the nations may become part of His Grand family, forever. Thus, that was the initial reason that our heavenly Father wanted Abraham to become perfect and holy as He has always been in heaven's glory before His Son, the Holy Spirit and the angelic hosts, because He needed to start His covenant-family on earth and with Abraham as the father not only of a great nation but also of many nations.
Surely, this covenant-family that our heavenly Father had to begin with Abraham will not only be to live on earth, born by the Holy Spirit's power, but also in heaven's glory with His Son, the Holy Spirit and the angelic hosts just as He has always lived with them in perfect and eternal Righteousness, for the sake of His holy name. And so, for this to be possible for our heavenly Father and to increase His covenant-family of His Son Jesus Christ, the Holy Spirit and of the angelic hosts, then He had to be born, by the power of the Holy Spirit, from Sarah's barren-womb, so He may not only grant His sacred-flesh and atoning-blood but also His entire holy life.
Moreover, this was something that our heavenly Father needed to do as soon as possible, meaning that He did not want to wait any longer, for He had waited too long already in heaven's glory after Adam and Eve had to abandon His holy presence due to rebellion against His fruit of life that is His Son Jesus Christ. Because, only His Son Jesus Christ is the bread and the cup of wine for every holy angel in heaven's glory to eat from him perfect holiness, so they may not only continue to live in perfect holiness before our heavenly Father, but also to serve Him and His holy name in that daily acquired perfect holiness from His only Son.
Provided that, His Son is not only the bread and wine over the Lord's Table to eat every day but also He along is our heavenly Father's perfect Righteousness for the angels in heaven and for the nations on earth, and besides him there is no other trustworthy high priest and Lamb with the atoning-blood to remove sin, forever. Definitely, that is why that His Son Jesus Christ needed to be born within Abraham's family, so His Son may not only be the firstborn of our heavenly Father but also on earth to Abraham and Sarah, because, through Abraham and Sarah he was going to be the firstborn of Adam and Eve over Jerusalem's holy hill to end sin at last.
For our heavenly Father's firstborn from His covenant-family in heaven's glory is His Son but on earth born from Isaac is Jacob called His firstborn thus to begin aright His covenant-family of children that He had always dreamed to have with Adam and Eve in paradise, but since they were deceived by Satan's lies through the serpent, then this was postponed. However, as our heavenly Father promised to Abraham that his wife Sarah was embracing a child nine-moth later, then the time to have them wait for their son was over, because they had both aged considerably that were just as old and dead in His holy presence as Adam and Eve were over Jerusalem's holy hill, finally to receive their firstborn.
And this is His only Son Jesus Christ that they were to receive timely, nailed to them thus to receive finally the covenant-family of the sacred-flesh that our heavenly Father had started with Abraham and Sarah his wife, as Isaac was miraculously born by the power of the Holy Spirit from their already aged bodies, so God may live with them. Meaning that, as Isaac was born from Sarah's barren-womb, then our heavenly Father's sacred-flesh and the atoning-blood were born in the midst of them, so He and His Son Jesus Christ may live with them for a short period of time, because our Father Himself needed to confirm that it was possible for God and men to live together in harmony, forever.
Surely, this was the only way possible for our heavenly Father to start His covenant-family on earth already of two, His Son Jesus Christ and the Holy Spirit along with the angelic hosts, but now He wanted to have legitimate children and into the millions, as the stars in the sky that no one can count into all eternity. Therefore, the day that Isaac was born to Abraham as his long waited son from Sarah his wife barren-womb, and this was done accordingly to our heavenly Father's word and the seed power of the Holy Spirit, so His sacred-flesh and the atoning-blood may begin to live with humankind at last, for the beginning of a new Kingdom that will never end.
Certainly, as Abraham and Sarah learned to live with their only son Isaac, given to them expressively by our heavenly Father by the Holy Spirit's seed divine power, then they began to love him as they had never loved anyone like this in their entire lives, and this pleased very much our heavenly Father, launching His new covenant-family Kingdom into eternity. This pleased very much our heavenly Father, because not only Abraham's household had learned to live and love Isaac the everlasting pact of the sacred-flesh, blessed seed, and the atoning-blood, but also everyone around the country that caused the kingdom from heaven above to pour powerful blessings into their lives thus to enrich them, as they never expected to be enriched.
Surely, our heavenly Father's holy heart continued to be pleased by Abraham and his household, because they have all along everyone else in their hometown, manifested only abundance love to the sacred-flesh and the atoning-blood that Isaac represented on earth for our heavenly Father, so His covenant-family may begin not only to take root on earth but also in heaven, forever. This is when our heavenly Father called Abraham to do the unthinkable, and this is to kill his only beloved son Isaac over the mountaintop that He will personally show him at Mount Moriah, because our heavenly Father now needed to test his faith on Him and His word, so his faith may be counted at last as salvation justice, forever.
Certainly, Abraham was reluctant to do this for our heavenly Father, but since he had learned to love and trust God with all his heart, mind, strength, life and human spirit then he obeyed his call to the point that he took his only son Isaac to the place where he was to present him, as the sacrifice of the day. Surely that, our heavenly Father was testing his faith, but more than that, He wanted to pray for Isaac and the children over His golden altar and under the engulfing fire of the Holy Spirit, because He needed to shed His holy tears over His children born in the covenant-family of the sacred-flesh and the atoning-blood of His Son Jesus Christ.
Our heavenly Father needed to bless every man, woman and child that would be born from Isaac's blessed seed as His legitimate children that will finally not only establish His covenant-family of the sacred-flesh on earth but also in heaven's glory along with the angelic hosts forever into all eternity, so they may serve, love and exalt Him always. That is why, that our heavenly Father blessed every one of His children before they were to be born from His firstborn on earth, and this is Jacob, because our heavenly Father said: Jacob is my firstborn, born blessed by the power of the Holy Spirit of His name, the Ten Commandments, and tabernacle of reunion with the Most Holy Place.
For this is the covenant-family that our heavenly Father needed to establish on earth with humankind, beginning with Abraham and Sarah his wife, because her womb had become infertile forever, never for her flesh to give life to anyone anymore, but, our heavenly Father's seed was implanted in her by the Holy Spirit, for the new sacred-flesh to take form. And this is Isaac born by the power of the Holy Spirit through His Son Jesus Christ's sacred-flesh, unbreakable bones, the atoning-blood and his personal eternal life, filled with everlasting every day blessing for every one of our heavenly Father's children, so, finally His covenant-family may be established on earth, forever, bound to heaven's glory to become one with God into eternity.
Given that, our heavenly Father's covenant-family in heaven where only His Son Jesus Christ that came out from Him, because he has always existed within Him, and the Holy Spirit, but the holy angels in their different ranks of power and glory were created later by the power of His holy name and word--but never born from Him. Now, our heavenly Father needed to expand His covenant-family in heaven's glory, and this is something that He could never do it with man much less with the holy angels, due to treason, but He could do it with His only Son that is His likeness with the Holy Spirit, and that is why that God was born on earth.
Indeed, this was something that our heavenly Father needed to do it right from the start, begin His covenant-family with humankind, and this is Abraham and Sarah with her barren-womb, so the old sinful-flesh and ill blood from Adam and Eve will never have anything to do with His new creation on earth these days and in heaven into eternity. That is to say, also that our heavenly Father waited for Abraham and Sarah to become so withered and lifeless, as far as their human flesh was concerned that as the Holy Spirit would enter into Sarah's barren-womb, then this will be a fresh start of His Son Jesus Christ's sacred-flesh to populate the entire human race with lasting salvation, forever.
Therefore, it was our heavenly Father through His Son Jesus Christ and the Holy Spirit, as His personal and only covenant-family from heaven above that started His new kingdom with Abraham and Sarah's barren-womb thus to repopulate the entire earth with the sacred-flesh and the atoning-blood that pleases Him, forever, so only perfect love, peace, holiness and lasting happiness will prevail perpetually. Moreover, our heavenly Father needed to do it this way only, that is, if He really wanted to expand the glory of His covenant-family with His Son Jesus Christ and the Holy Spirit in heaven above to have His legitimate children born to Him, by the power of the Holy Spirit and only in His likeness, the likeness of His Son.
And so, in heaven's glory we have our heavenly Father with His Son Jesus Christ and the Holy Spirit as His personal covenant-family existing through endless eternity, but with the angelic hosts as eternal adoptive celestial children only, created expressly by the power of His holy name and His word thus to do His will always of great miracles, for example. However, now our heavenly Father wanted to have His children, but they needed to be born from Adam and Eve, and this was impossible since both were deceived and killed by Satan's lies through the serpent, nonetheless through Abraham and Sarah's barren-womb then he could bring them back to life, by granting them their firstborn, and this is His Son Jesus Christ.
That is why, that it was important for our heavenly Father to have Abraham to take his only son Isaac, as a lamb to be sacrificed over the hill that He will personally show him over Mount Moriah, so he may sacrifice him as a burnt offering before Him in heaven's glory thus to prove if he was obedient to His word. Timely, Abraham was obedient all the way through with his only son Isaac, by placing him over the altar that our heavenly Father had shown Him, so He may pray for the children thus to bless them with tremendous powers from heaven above and from the earth below to do His will all the days of their lives into all eternity.
That is to say, also that our heavenly Father as He prayed for Isaac and the children that were to be born from him in the future generations to come, thus to form the nation of Israel, then He anointed them with powers to confess His holy name over Jerusalem's holy hill for salvation, so they may timely receive His blessings always. Certainly, these are powerful blessings that we have only seen few until now, as Jerusalem's holy hill and the golden altar where Abraham offered his son Isaac as his personal sacrifice to shed the atoning-blood, but Isaac was not the one to shed the atoning-blood to end sin, this was reserved to His Son Jesus Christ only at the ancient cross.
For the reason that, only His Son Jesus Christ could not only bear His holy name in perfect holiness within his heart and atoning-blood, but also he was the only one that could be born from King David's virgin daughter by the Holy Spirit, to fulfill the Holy Spirit of the commandments, forever, so Satan may finally die with his lies. That is why, that our Lord Jesus Christ, as he began to preach and teach our heavenly Father's holy name and word to the families of Israel, then he said: Death, I am you death--meaning that he had come into the world to destroy the sinful-flesh and the ill blood, so Israel with the nations may receive his sacred-flesh for salvation.
For our Lord Jesus Christ is not only the Son of God but also he is God Himself, manifested in the sacred-flesh and the atoning-blood that started with Abraham and Sarah's barren-womb, by the power of the Holy Spirit only, so he may be nailed to Adam and Eve over Jerusalem's holy by Abraham's children thus to restore humanity to heaven at last. This is the sacred-flesh, unbreakable bones and the atoning-blood that was born, by the power of the Holy Spirit from Sarah's barren-womb to travel through time from Isaac and every man, woman and child that had been born from him along with the rest that need to be born yet, so God may be nailed to Adam and Eve for lasting salvation.
Certainly, this was the only way that our heavenly Father could reach Adam and Eve over Jerusalem's holy hill, so they may receive their firstborn sacred-flesh and eternally holy as God is forever, to be nailed to them with His holy name, so they may finally receive the sacred-flesh and the atoning-blood to become reinstated into the covenant-family in paradise at last. Indeed, this was something that no one else from heaven above could do it as holy angels, or any man, woman or child, but this could only be done with His own celestial loved ones covenant-family of His Son and the Holy Spirit along with the created angelic hosts, so His children may finally be reinstated into His divine covenant-family, forever.
For the reason that, Adam and Eve were born by the power of the Holy Spirit to live in the likeness of His son Jesus Christ, and this is the sacred-flesh, the unbreakable bones, the atoning-blood and the divine-life, so they needed to return to heaven's covenant-family with the children as well, so His kingdom of children may flourish, everlastingly. Otherwise, there was no way possible to save Adam and Eve over Jerusalem's holy hill and the children by the millions through the generations, from all the families of the nations, and this was something that only our heavenly Father with His covenant-family of His Son Jesus Christ and the Holy Spirit could do thus to gather His children eternally saved.
Thus, our heavenly Father had to be born in the world, by the power of the Holy Spirit in His Son Jesus Christ's sacred-flesh, unbreakable bones, atoning-blood and divine-life, so He may retake not only Adam and Eve that were taken (stolen) from His covenant-family by Satan's lies through the serpent but also the children, so He may finally restore His celestial-family. That is why, that as you may see our Lord Jesus Christ's sacred messianic-life by been born by the Holy Spirit from David's virgin daughter, so he may not only bring eternal life into Israel but also the covenant sacred-flesh and the atoning-blood to live it forever, then you will see that he did everything with passion to save his covenant-family.
That is to say, also that everything that our heavenly Father did with Abraham and Sarah's barren-womb for God to be born in their family, and for all the things that our heavenly Father had to do lastly with David's virgin daughter, then He did it fighting for His covenant-family to be restored on earth and in heaven, forever. Certainly, everything that our heavenly Father has done with His covenant-family of His Son Jesus Christ and the Holy Spirit from heaven above was to fight back against all wickedness, by the power of His holy name and of His word to recover what was lost in paradise, and what was lost in the promised land to Satan's terrible deceptions.
Furthermore, our heavenly Father fought Satan's lies, curses and terrible deceptions with the sacred-flesh, unbreakable bones, atoning-blood, divine life of His Son, and of the Holy Spirit as well, so He may recover every one of His children that were lost to Satan's lies, curses, and death in hell's torment thus to take them back into His household in heaven's glory. Besides, this is exactly what our heavenly Father has been doing with His Son Jesus Christ and with the Holy Spirit to fight back against Satan's lies, curses and terrible deceptions that he has lain over your life and that of your loved ones, including your friends from everywhere around the world, so He may instantly take you back into His heavenly-home.
Indeed, you are His children these days on earth, because you were born from His image by the power of the Holy Spirit, to live in the likeness of His Son Jesus Christ forever in His brand new angelic Kingdom, as The New Jerusalem from heaven above, where His love prevails always within your heart and entire eternal life into everlasting. Nowadays, our heavenly Father is still using His covenant-family of His Son Jesus Christ and of the Holy Spirit to fight for your right to return to Him, as soon as you may begin to sanctify His holy name over Jerusalem's holy hill, because this is where He saved Adam and Eve, and this is where He needs to save you, too.
Likewise, our heavenly Father will continue to fight unceasingly for your well-being on this earth, by the powerful sanctity of His covenant-family of His Son Jesus Christ and of the Holy Spirit from heaven above to rescue you from Satan's every day lies, curses, terrible traps that are set up already for you to fall into them anytime now. More to the point, since our heavenly Father began His personal covenant-family of the sacred-flesh and the atoning-blood with Abraham and Sarah's barren-womb, for God to be born on earth thus to rescue not only His children but also to establish Israel to do His will always as it is in heaven by the holy angels, then He almost never uses His angels.
The reason being is that our heavenly Father will very hardly use His holy angels to begin the Kingship of Israel, the priesthood, the high priest's daily duties or as the Lamb with the atoning-blood to remove sin, it is because only His family from heaven above have the these duties to rescue His children lost to Satan's lies and hell's torment. Certainly that, our heavenly Father has always used His holy angels, as messengers and to perform His great miracles before His children throughout the nations, beginning with Israel, but to give the Kingship or high priest daily duties or to be the Lamb with the atoning-blood to remove sin, it is only reserved to His Son Jesus Christ and the Holy Spirit.
For this is only the work of His covenant-family of His Son Jesus Christ and of the Holy Spirit from heaven above that will not only start the birth of children within Israel and the families of the nations, but also, the necessary work to exercise progressively thus to defeat Satan's hidden lies, curses and deceptions bound to destroy His covenant-family. What is more, our heavenly Father had to do it this way always in heaven with the angels and on earth with humankind, because Adam and Eve betrayed him and the children also at times, just as Lucifer and the one-third of the fallen angels that wanted the wicked-name of Lucifer to be exalted above God's holy name and His covenant-family.
And so, our heavenly Father will never trust with His personal glory to any man, woman and child much less to any holy angel from heaven above, but all His trust always lies over His Son Jesus Christ and the Holy Spirit not only to be born as King of Israel but also as the savior of His children from the nations. That is to say, also that our heavenly Father has always fought against Satan to save His children, beginning with Adam and Eve, with His covenant-family composed of His Son Jesus Christ and the Holy Spirit, so He may not only establish His covenant-family on earth but also bring them back to heaven eternally saved and justified.
That is why, that our heavenly Father has always started His covenants of life with Abraham, Isaac, Jacob and even Moses over Jerusalem's holy hill, and always with His Son Jesus Christ, in the middle of the three crosses from heaven above, because this is where His altar is, for His name to be sanctified by everyone's heart and lips for salvation. Therefore, Jerusalem's holy hill has always been His heavenly home-sweet-home for His covenant-family of His Son Jesus Christ as the door and narrow way to ascend Jacob's ladder into heaven's glory and for the Holy Spirit to burn wildly at the presence of His holy name to be invoked for sanctification and eternal salvation, by anyone on earth, returning to God.
For Jerusalem's holy hill, it is not only our heavenly Father's eternal home for His Son Jesus Christ and for His Holy Spirit but also for Adam and Eve and the children, and this is where every holy angel will always have to come to eat the bread and wine to continue to be holy for the service of God, into eternity. This is the place where Lucifer along with the fallen angels used to serve our heavenly Father and His Son Jesus Christ, because they were created holy to serve Him and His Son forever, by the power of the Holy Spirit, and they were continually maintained holy by the enriching powers, of the atoning-blood shed at the foot of the sacred cross.
However, when sin was found in Lucifer and within the one-third of the angels that followed him to rebel against our heavenly Father and His Son Jesus Christ over Jerusalem's holy hill, then they were never again allowed to ascend into heaven's glory through the door and narrow way up Jacob's ladder into our heavenly Father' s holy presence. For the reason that, every angel that descended from heaven to do any of their daily tasks for our heavenly Father throughout His Creation, then, after they had fulfilled their duties to execute within the families of the nations, for example, then to return to heaven they had to stand in holy ground to wash themselves clean from impurities.
Unquestionably, this is how the holy angels, archangels, seraphs, cherub, and other holy creatures from heaven above maintained themselves pure and clean from impurities and contaminations from the entire creation, so they will never ascend into heaven's glory with sin or impurities, but only pure and holy to stand in our heavenly Father's holy presence. However, ever since that the fallen angels sinned against our heavenly Father and His Son Jesus Christ, then they were no longer welcome over Jerusalem's holy hill to enter through the door and narrow way up Jacob's ladder, to step into our heavenly Father's kingdom of heaven, but they were shunned, and commanded to stand away from heaven's glory, forever.
Then, Lucifer with the one-third of the fallen angels, after receiving our heavenly Father's judgment they were thrown into hell's torment, because this is where they will wait for Judgment Day, when our heavenly Father will finally judge them for their sin and rebellion against Him and His Son Jesus Christ, for attempting to exalt their wicked leader above His holy name. All the fallen angels, as they were cast from heaven's glory and forbidden to return to Jerusalem's holy hill, then they thought that they will remain glorious, holy and powerful as they were in heaven's glory since the day of their creation, but, they soon find out that they needed to be washed clean from sin again as always.
For the reason that, the glory and power that they represented and possessed always in heaven's glory, as they were servants of our heavenly Father and of His Son Jesus Christ, began to fade away from them that they began to take on different forms and shapes that characterizes them to these days, as very wicked and ugly looking to radiate terror. Meaning that, they are not longer glorious, especial, admirable, worthy, powerful and great looking as when they were created and maintained holy, clean and pure by the power of the Lamb of God's atoning-blood shed to the ground of the cross over Jerusalem's holy hill, and so, they tried to become clean, holy and pure again, but they failed.
For the reason that, only the atoning-blood shed to the ground of Jerusalem's holy hill and the cross is what used to make them clean, holy, perfect and pure to ascend Jacob's ladder into our heavenly Father's holy presence, thus to serve Him and His holy name as usual, but they are now shunned from heaven, never to become holy again, forever. Then, that is why that the fallen angels have become so wicked, ugly looking, and offensively evil until now, because they are shunned from Jerusalem's holy hill holy ground, where our Lord Jesus Christ's atoning-blood had been shed since Creation day thus to clean them from sin and impurities, so they may remain holy and perfect always as they were initially created.
What is more, many fallen angels tried to return to Jerusalem's holy hill to stand in holy ground, but they were taken away by the power and fire of the Holy Spirit to be cast into hell's torment until Judgment Day, when they will finally answer to the sin and rebellion that they committed against our heavenly Father and His holy name. Convincingly, our heavenly Father's holy name that has always existed in perfect holiness within the heart and atoning-blood of His Son, because he alone is His personal high priest, Lamb with the atoning-blood to remove sin, and the eternal temple that will not only keep it holy forever but also the angelic hosts into eternity, needs to make you holy right now.
And so, the fallen angels really thought that they would continue to be holy and perfect forever as when they were created in heaven's glory, by the power of our heavenly Father's holy name and word, but, they soon discovered that the power and glory of perfect holiness were always possible in them by been washed clean, by His Son's shed atoning-blood. Many of these fallen angels that tried to return to Jerusalem's holy hill to be cleaned from their sin, by the power of His Son's shed atoning-blood, then they had to be chained-and-shackled in deep darkness of the Abysm, because they were too powerful to allow roaming the earth and Creation; eventually they will be liberated in Judgment Day to die.
These fallen angels will be liberated to stand in our heavenly Father's Great White Throne to answer for their sin and rebellion against His Son Jesus Christ and His holy name that lives in him in perfect holiness, by the power of his atoning-blood, and after judgment is passed then death in the lake of fire, forever into eternity. But, before that is to happen, our heavenly Father will liberate some of these terrible fallen angels from darkness, so they may roam the earth thus to judge and punish those that have refused to sanctify His holy name over Jerusalem's holy hill, because this is home-sweet-home of His Son and of His name along with the Holy Spirit and the angels.
Holy angels that are always going through Jacob's ladder fulfilling our heavenly Father's will upon the nations, because they are the ones that although are not permitted to preach the Gospel of salvation of His holy name and sacred life of the Lamb, as His personal high priest with the atoning-blood to remove sin, then they are only to execute miracles nonetheless. These are powerful holy angels that will go anywhere from Jerusalem's holy hill to assist all those that are ready to invoke our heavenly Father's holy name, causing great miracles, so they may not only be washed from sin and rebellion from within their hearts and entire bodies, but also to become Holy Spirit born, so they may become God's legitimate children.
That is why, that after our heavenly Father had granted Moses to receive the two tablets of the commandments, then within the commandments He guaranteed Moses and Israel the promise that He will personally meet with everyone ascending Jerusalem's holy hill to invoke His holy name, for deliverance and eternal salvation--and He will meet them anytime with powerful blessings there. Provided that, our heavenly Father had not only received Abraham and his son Isaac over Jerusalem's holy hill to initiate the nonstop sacrifice that will be consummated by the children with His Son Jesus Christ nailed to Adam and Eve with His holy name, so they may dress with the covenant-family of the sacred-flesh and of the atoning-blood for salvation.
Just the same, our heavenly Father is waiting for every man, woman and child nowadays not only from Israel to ascend Jerusalem's holy hill to sanctify His holy name, for the door to open to the narrow way ascending into Jacob's ladder into heaven's glory, so they may be born from the Holy Spirit instantly, as they are cleansed from sin, forever. That is why, that you must ascend Jerusalem's holy hill along with your loved ones, so you may sanctify His holy name over His golden altar where you were born initially, by the power of the Holy Spirit, because He prayed and shed tears of the Holy Spirit over yours bodies, so you may be born blessed to do His will always.
For this is His home-sweet-home, Jerusalem's holy hill, that is, where His Son Jesus Christ not only became your King Messiah, because you were destined to be born from his covenant-family sacred-flesh, atoning-blood and pristine life, but also it is here from where he began to love you as you have never been loved before for all eternity. Besides, this profound love that our Lord Jesus Christ feels for each one of you, from Israel and from the families of the nations, it is just as great as our heavenly Father's love that He felt within His holy heart, as you were born by the Holy Spirit in His image to live in His likeness forever in heaven's glory.
Moreover, this is the perfect love of our heavenly Father and of His Son that you will feel entirely within your heart, as you approach today Jerusalem's holy hill that will bath you with everlasting love that you will never be able to understand it, because it is God's ancient love and mercy for you and for your loved ones for eternity. And so, it is a great feeling to enjoy within your heart and entire humanity, as you may stand over Jerusalem's holy hill, invoking His holy name over holy ground, saturated with his atoning-blood that not only cleanses you from sin but also, altogether, enriches you with the Holy Spirit's peace and abundant gifts, so you will never be the same again.
Over Jerusalem's holy hill, invoking our heavenly Father's holy name nailed to Adam and Eve with His Son Jesus Christ is still standing there, speaking to you words of life and blessings for you and for your loved ones, then you will feel not only filled with His ancient love, but also you will feel that you are back home to stay. Certainly, once you get there, then you will never want to turn your back on this holy site much less abandon it forever as the ancients did blindly, but you will want to continue to enjoy the love, peace, mercy and great salvation glory that emanates constantly to enrich your life on earth and into eternity in heaven's glory.
At last, you will descend from Jerusalem's holy hill, after experiencing great blessings within your heart and your entire humanity, just to let others know, as your loved ones and friends to ascend to the mountaintop to begin to sanctify our heavenly Father's holy name that is nailed to Adam and Eve, for everyone's forgiveness and lasting mercies of eternal salvation. These days, regardless of your religion and faith to God, you must ascend Jerusalem's holy hill to sanctify our heavenly Father's holy name forever, nailed to Adam and Eve with the covenant-family of the sacred-flesh and the atoning-blood of His Son Jesus Christ, so you may become part of His eternal family on earth, ascending into heaven's glory forever justified.
For there is no other place like it in heaven's glory for the angels much less on earth for every man, woman and child from all the families of the nations, beginning with Israel, but to be at Jerusalem's holy hill, invoking our heavenly Father's holy name forever, for forgiveness, salvation, prosperity, and never-ending richness of lasting happiness of our living-souls. This is your covenant-family life of the sacred-flesh and of the atoning-blood of our heavenly Father's blessed Son Jesus Christ, so you may be born again from the power of the Holy Spirit, into the wonderful world of eternal miracles that you have missed until now, for you only to know abundant love, peace, happiness, and never-ending salvation on earth into eternity.
Thus, our heavenly Father is still waiting for you, where He granted you not only the tablets of the commandments but also His holy name along with the tabernacle of reunion with the Most Holy Place, so you may become Holy Spirit born into His covenant-family that always existed with Him, His Son, the Holy Spirit and now you on earth. There are only great richness awaiting for you at the place that He had called you, even before you were born from your mother's womb, to invoke His holy name over Jerusalem's holy hill and where His Son Jesus Christ as His personal high priest and Lamb shed the atoning-blood to make you divinely holy and perfect, for His covenant-family's blessings, forever. Amen!
Culture and peace for every one today and always!
Cordially yours,
The Bible says there EXIST only one way to heaven!
JESUS said, "I am the way, the truth, and the life, no man comes unto the heavenly
Father, but by me" John, 14:6
Nobody else can save you. Trust JESUS today!
That if thou shalt confess with thy mouth the L-rd Yeshua, and shalt believe
within your heart that GOD hath raised him from the dead, then thou shalt be saved."
Romans 10: 9
You must do the Following:
Put your faith to work, and pray right now in your heart and soul.
Admit you are a sinner. See Romans 3:10
Be willing to turn from sin (repent) See Acts 17:30
Believe that JESUS died for you, was buried and rose from the dead. See Romans
10-: 9-10
Through prayer, invite JESUS into your life to become your personal Savior. See
Romans 10:13
What to pray? Or what to say to the HEAVENLY FATHER in the NAME of JESUS CHRIST in Prayer...?
That if you confess with your mouth, "Jesus is Lord," and believe in your heart that God raised him from the dead, you will be saved.
For it is with your heart that you believe and are justified, and it is with your mouth that you confess and are saved. As the Scripture says, "Anyone who trusts in him will never be put to shame." For there is no difference between Jew and Gentile, rich or poor, small or great, wise or not-- just the same, the Lord is Lord of all and richly blesses them who call on him, for, "Everyone who calls on the name of the Lord will be saved." Romans 10:9-13
Dear GOD, I am a sinner and in need of forgiveness. I believe that the L-rd JESUS
shed His PRECIOUS BLOOD and died for my sin. I am willing to turn from sin. I
now invite JESUS to come into my heart and life as my personal Savior.
If you said the above PRAYER, then YOU ACCEPTED Jesus Christ as your ONLY WAY
Did you receive Jesus Christ as your LORD and Savior TODAY?
YES _____? or, NO ______?
Date____/____/___ YES ______? or, NO ______?
If you trusted JESUS as your Savior, you have just begun a wonderful new life with Him. Now:
Read your Bible every day to get to know JESUS CHRIST better. Talk to GOD in prayer in the NAME of JESUS CHRIST every day. Be baptized in water submersion and in the power of the Holy Spirit of God, worship, fellowship, and serve with other Messianic Jews and gentile believers as well in a Temple where JESUS is preached and the Bible is the final authority.
Tell others about JESUS.
Now, a reminder, do not forget to pray for me; please include me in your prayers for me and my loved ones, for your prayers are very important in heaven. You do not have any idea how important your prayers are in Heaven; Jesus suffered, anguished, prayed, cried, shed His Precious Blood and Died on the Cross of Golgotha for your prayers to be heard in Heaven in the Holy of Holiest. That is CORRECT. The Holy Father, Jesus Christ and the Holy Spirit, and all the Holy Angels hear your prayers in Heaven in the Holy of Holiest, too. I most add that THERE is a GREAT FESTIVITY with GOD and all the HOLY ANGELS in HEAVEN's glories as you do the SINNERS PRAYER and SPEAK to GOD in the NAME of HIS WONDERFUL King Messiah and HOLY SON, JESUS CHRIST. Thank you.
(Cartas del cielo son escritas por Iván Valarezo)
The time came when our heavenly Father needed to make holy and perfect Abraham as He has always been in heaven's glory before His only Son Jesus Christ (The Rebbe Yeshua HaMoshiach), the Holy Spirit, and the angelic hosts into the millions and millions--for this is His most blessed covenant-family in heaven's glory forever into eternity. And our heavenly Father wanted to make Abraham just as holy and perfect as He has always been in heaven's glory before His angelic hosts, because He wanted to return to live with Adam and Eve in paradise, for the reason that the days that He lived with them were wonderful, and He wanted those days back, soon, regardless of the cost.
However, for this to be possible then He had to make sure that it was possible for men to live with Him in heaven's glory again, not only with Adam and Eve, but also with the children, because each one of them was born in His image to live according to His likeness (His Son Jesus Christ) forever in heaven's eternal life. This meant that since Abraham could never ascend into heaven's glory, because of his sin nature, given that he was born from Adam and Eve's sinful flesh and ill blood, for both eating rebelliously from the forbidden fruit, from the tree of knowledge of good and evil, then He had to live on earth with him for a predestined time.
For this was the only way possible for our heavenly Father to make Abraham as holy and perfect as He has always been in heaven's glory, so he may one day soon, as in his last day, and this was happening anytime now, given that he was already aged along with His wife Sarah--then He had to act quickly. Meaning that, God had to be born on earth not only to live with Abraham but also with Sarah his wife, and everyone else within his household and hometown, because He needed to know, to prepare Himself with His Son and the Holy Spirit, to create a new earth with wonderful skies for the children to love, serve and honor Him, everlastingly.
That is to say, also that our heavenly Father wanted to start His covenant-family not only of His Son Jesus Christ and of His Holy Spirit along with the angelic hosts, but also with Abraham and his loved ones, including the children promised to him diligently in the generations ahead, so the nations may become part of His Grand family, forever. Thus, that was the initial reason that our heavenly Father wanted Abraham to become perfect and holy as He has always been in heaven's glory before His Son, the Holy Spirit and the angelic hosts, because He needed to start His covenant-family on earth and with Abraham as the father not only of a great nation but also of many nations.
Surely, this covenant-family that our heavenly Father had to begin with Abraham will not only be to live on earth, born by the Holy Spirit's power, but also in heaven's glory with His Son, the Holy Spirit and the angelic hosts just as He has always lived with them in perfect and eternal Righteousness, for the sake of His holy name. And so, for this to be possible for our heavenly Father and to increase His covenant-family of His Son Jesus Christ, the Holy Spirit and of the angelic hosts, then He had to be born, by the power of the Holy Spirit, from Sarah's barren-womb, so He may not only grant His sacred-flesh and atoning-blood but also His entire holy life.
Moreover, this was something that our heavenly Father needed to do as soon as possible, meaning that He did not want to wait any longer, for He had waited too long already in heaven's glory after Adam and Eve had to abandon His holy presence due to rebellion against His fruit of life that is His Son Jesus Christ. Because, only His Son Jesus Christ is the bread and the cup of wine for every holy angel in heaven's glory to eat from him perfect holiness, so they may not only continue to live in perfect holiness before our heavenly Father, but also to serve Him and His holy name in that daily acquired perfect holiness from His only Son.
Provided that, His Son is not only the bread and wine over the Lord's Table to eat every day but also He along is our heavenly Father's perfect Righteousness for the angels in heaven and for the nations on earth, and besides him there is no other trustworthy high priest and Lamb with the atoning-blood to remove sin, forever. Definitely, that is why that His Son Jesus Christ needed to be born within Abraham's family, so His Son may not only be the firstborn of our heavenly Father but also on earth to Abraham and Sarah, because, through Abraham and Sarah he was going to be the firstborn of Adam and Eve over Jerusalem's holy hill to end sin at last.
For our heavenly Father's firstborn from His covenant-family in heaven's glory is His Son but on earth born from Isaac is Jacob called His firstborn thus to begin aright His covenant-family of children that He had always dreamed to have with Adam and Eve in paradise, but since they were deceived by Satan's lies through the serpent, then this was postponed. However, as our heavenly Father promised to Abraham that his wife Sarah was embracing a child nine-moth later, then the time to have them wait for their son was over, because they had both aged considerably that were just as old and dead in His holy presence as Adam and Eve were over Jerusalem's holy hill, finally to receive their firstborn.
And this is His only Son Jesus Christ that they were to receive timely, nailed to them thus to receive finally the covenant-family of the sacred-flesh that our heavenly Father had started with Abraham and Sarah his wife, as Isaac was miraculously born by the power of the Holy Spirit from their already aged bodies, so God may live with them. Meaning that, as Isaac was born from Sarah's barren-womb, then our heavenly Father's sacred-flesh and the atoning-blood were born in the midst of them, so He and His Son Jesus Christ may live with them for a short period of time, because our Father Himself needed to confirm that it was possible for God and men to live together in harmony, forever.
Surely, this was the only way possible for our heavenly Father to start His covenant-family on earth already of two, His Son Jesus Christ and the Holy Spirit along with the angelic hosts, but now He wanted to have legitimate children and into the millions, as the stars in the sky that no one can count into all eternity. Therefore, the day that Isaac was born to Abraham as his long waited son from Sarah his wife barren-womb, and this was done accordingly to our heavenly Father's word and the seed power of the Holy Spirit, so His sacred-flesh and the atoning-blood may begin to live with humankind at last, for the beginning of a new Kingdom that will never end.
Certainly, as Abraham and Sarah learned to live with their only son Isaac, given to them expressively by our heavenly Father by the Holy Spirit's seed divine power, then they began to love him as they had never loved anyone like this in their entire lives, and this pleased very much our heavenly Father, launching His new covenant-family Kingdom into eternity. This pleased very much our heavenly Father, because not only Abraham's household had learned to live and love Isaac the everlasting pact of the sacred-flesh, blessed seed, and the atoning-blood, but also everyone around the country that caused the kingdom from heaven above to pour powerful blessings into their lives thus to enrich them, as they never expected to be enriched.
Surely, our heavenly Father's holy heart continued to be pleased by Abraham and his household, because they have all along everyone else in their hometown, manifested only abundance love to the sacred-flesh and the atoning-blood that Isaac represented on earth for our heavenly Father, so His covenant-family may begin not only to take root on earth but also in heaven, forever. This is when our heavenly Father called Abraham to do the unthinkable, and this is to kill his only beloved son Isaac over the mountaintop that He will personally show him at Mount Moriah, because our heavenly Father now needed to test his faith on Him and His word, so his faith may be counted at last as salvation justice, forever.
Certainly, Abraham was reluctant to do this for our heavenly Father, but since he had learned to love and trust God with all his heart, mind, strength, life and human spirit then he obeyed his call to the point that he took his only son Isaac to the place where he was to present him, as the sacrifice of the day. Surely that, our heavenly Father was testing his faith, but more than that, He wanted to pray for Isaac and the children over His golden altar and under the engulfing fire of the Holy Spirit, because He needed to shed His holy tears over His children born in the covenant-family of the sacred-flesh and the atoning-blood of His Son Jesus Christ.
Our heavenly Father needed to bless every man, woman and child that would be born from Isaac's blessed seed as His legitimate children that will finally not only establish His covenant-family of the sacred-flesh on earth but also in heaven's glory along with the angelic hosts forever into all eternity, so they may serve, love and exalt Him always. That is why, that our heavenly Father blessed every one of His children before they were to be born from His firstborn on earth, and this is Jacob, because our heavenly Father said: Jacob is my firstborn, born blessed by the power of the Holy Spirit of His name, the Ten Commandments, and tabernacle of reunion with the Most Holy Place.
For this is the covenant-family that our heavenly Father needed to establish on earth with humankind, beginning with Abraham and Sarah his wife, because her womb had become infertile forever, never for her flesh to give life to anyone anymore, but, our heavenly Father's seed was implanted in her by the Holy Spirit, for the new sacred-flesh to take form. And this is Isaac born by the power of the Holy Spirit through His Son Jesus Christ's sacred-flesh, unbreakable bones, the atoning-blood and his personal eternal life, filled with everlasting every day blessing for every one of our heavenly Father's children, so, finally His covenant-family may be established on earth, forever, bound to heaven's glory to become one with God into eternity.
Given that, our heavenly Father's covenant-family in heaven where only His Son Jesus Christ that came out from Him, because he has always existed within Him, and the Holy Spirit, but the holy angels in their different ranks of power and glory were created later by the power of His holy name and word--but never born from Him. Now, our heavenly Father needed to expand His covenant-family in heaven's glory, and this is something that He could never do it with man much less with the holy angels, due to treason, but He could do it with His only Son that is His likeness with the Holy Spirit, and that is why that God was born on earth.
Indeed, this was something that our heavenly Father needed to do it right from the start, begin His covenant-family with humankind, and this is Abraham and Sarah with her barren-womb, so the old sinful-flesh and ill blood from Adam and Eve will never have anything to do with His new creation on earth these days and in heaven into eternity. That is to say, also that our heavenly Father waited for Abraham and Sarah to become so withered and lifeless, as far as their human flesh was concerned that as the Holy Spirit would enter into Sarah's barren-womb, then this will be a fresh start of His Son Jesus Christ's sacred-flesh to populate the entire human race with lasting salvation, forever.
Therefore, it was our heavenly Father through His Son Jesus Christ and the Holy Spirit, as His personal and only covenant-family from heaven above that started His new kingdom with Abraham and Sarah's barren-womb thus to repopulate the entire earth with the sacred-flesh and the atoning-blood that pleases Him, forever, so only perfect love, peace, holiness and lasting happiness will prevail perpetually. Moreover, our heavenly Father needed to do it this way only, that is, if He really wanted to expand the glory of His covenant-family with His Son Jesus Christ and the Holy Spirit in heaven above to have His legitimate children born to Him, by the power of the Holy Spirit and only in His likeness, the likeness of His Son.
And so, in heaven's glory we have our heavenly Father with His Son Jesus Christ and the Holy Spirit as His personal covenant-family existing through endless eternity, but with the angelic hosts as eternal adoptive celestial children only, created expressly by the power of His holy name and His word thus to do His will always of great miracles, for example. However, now our heavenly Father wanted to have His children, but they needed to be born from Adam and Eve, and this was impossible since both were deceived and killed by Satan's lies through the serpent, nonetheless through Abraham and Sarah's barren-womb then he could bring them back to life, by granting them their firstborn, and this is His Son Jesus Christ.
That is why, that it was important for our heavenly Father to have Abraham to take his only son Isaac, as a lamb to be sacrificed over the hill that He will personally show him over Mount Moriah, so he may sacrifice him as a burnt offering before Him in heaven's glory thus to prove if he was obedient to His word. Timely, Abraham was obedient all the way through with his only son Isaac, by placing him over the altar that our heavenly Father had shown Him, so He may pray for the children thus to bless them with tremendous powers from heaven above and from the earth below to do His will all the days of their lives into all eternity.
That is to say, also that our heavenly Father as He prayed for Isaac and the children that were to be born from him in the future generations to come, thus to form the nation of Israel, then He anointed them with powers to confess His holy name over Jerusalem's holy hill for salvation, so they may timely receive His blessings always. Certainly, these are powerful blessings that we have only seen few until now, as Jerusalem's holy hill and the golden altar where Abraham offered his son Isaac as his personal sacrifice to shed the atoning-blood, but Isaac was not the one to shed the atoning-blood to end sin, this was reserved to His Son Jesus Christ only at the ancient cross.
For the reason that, only His Son Jesus Christ could not only bear His holy name in perfect holiness within his heart and atoning-blood, but also he was the only one that could be born from King David's virgin daughter by the Holy Spirit, to fulfill the Holy Spirit of the commandments, forever, so Satan may finally die with his lies. That is why, that our Lord Jesus Christ, as he began to preach and teach our heavenly Father's holy name and word to the families of Israel, then he said: Death, I am you death--meaning that he had come into the world to destroy the sinful-flesh and the ill blood, so Israel with the nations may receive his sacred-flesh for salvation.
For our Lord Jesus Christ is not only the Son of God but also he is God Himself, manifested in the sacred-flesh and the atoning-blood that started with Abraham and Sarah's barren-womb, by the power of the Holy Spirit only, so he may be nailed to Adam and Eve over Jerusalem's holy by Abraham's children thus to restore humanity to heaven at last. This is the sacred-flesh, unbreakable bones and the atoning-blood that was born, by the power of the Holy Spirit from Sarah's barren-womb to travel through time from Isaac and every man, woman and child that had been born from him along with the rest that need to be born yet, so God may be nailed to Adam and Eve for lasting salvation.
Certainly, this was the only way that our heavenly Father could reach Adam and Eve over Jerusalem's holy hill, so they may receive their firstborn sacred-flesh and eternally holy as God is forever, to be nailed to them with His holy name, so they may finally receive the sacred-flesh and the atoning-blood to become reinstated into the covenant-family in paradise at last. Indeed, this was something that no one else from heaven above could do it as holy angels, or any man, woman or child, but this could only be done with His own celestial loved ones covenant-family of His Son and the Holy Spirit along with the created angelic hosts, so His children may finally be reinstated into His divine covenant-family, forever.
For the reason that, Adam and Eve were born by the power of the Holy Spirit to live in the likeness of His son Jesus Christ, and this is the sacred-flesh, the unbreakable bones, the atoning-blood and the divine-life, so they needed to return to heaven's covenant-family with the children as well, so His kingdom of children may flourish, everlastingly. Otherwise, there was no way possible to save Adam and Eve over Jerusalem's holy hill and the children by the millions through the generations, from all the families of the nations, and this was something that only our heavenly Father with His covenant-family of His Son Jesus Christ and the Holy Spirit could do thus to gather His children eternally saved.
Thus, our heavenly Father had to be born in the world, by the power of the Holy Spirit in His Son Jesus Christ's sacred-flesh, unbreakable bones, atoning-blood and divine-life, so He may retake not only Adam and Eve that were taken (stolen) from His covenant-family by Satan's lies through the serpent but also the children, so He may finally restore His celestial-family. That is why, that as you may see our Lord Jesus Christ's sacred messianic-life by been born by the Holy Spirit from David's virgin daughter, so he may not only bring eternal life into Israel but also the covenant sacred-flesh and the atoning-blood to live it forever, then you will see that he did everything with passion to save his covenant-family.
That is to say, also that everything that our heavenly Father did with Abraham and Sarah's barren-womb for God to be born in their family, and for all the things that our heavenly Father had to do lastly with David's virgin daughter, then He did it fighting for His covenant-family to be restored on earth and in heaven, forever. Certainly, everything that our heavenly Father has done with His covenant-family of His Son Jesus Christ and the Holy Spirit from heaven above was to fight back against all wickedness, by the power of His holy name and of His word to recover what was lost in paradise, and what was lost in the promised land to Satan's terrible deceptions.
Furthermore, our heavenly Father fought Satan's lies, curses and terrible deceptions with the sacred-flesh, unbreakable bones, atoning-blood, divine life of His Son, and of the Holy Spirit as well, so He may recover every one of His children that were lost to Satan's lies, curses, and death in hell's torment thus to take them back into His household in heaven's glory. Besides, this is exactly what our heavenly Father has been doing with His Son Jesus Christ and with the Holy Spirit to fight back against Satan's lies, curses and terrible deceptions that he has lain over your life and that of your loved ones, including your friends from everywhere around the world, so He may instantly take you back into His heavenly-home.
Indeed, you are His children these days on earth, because you were born from His image by the power of the Holy Spirit, to live in the likeness of His Son Jesus Christ forever in His brand new angelic Kingdom, as The New Jerusalem from heaven above, where His love prevails always within your heart and entire eternal life into everlasting. Nowadays, our heavenly Father is still using His covenant-family of His Son Jesus Christ and of the Holy Spirit to fight for your right to return to Him, as soon as you may begin to sanctify His holy name over Jerusalem's holy hill, because this is where He saved Adam and Eve, and this is where He needs to save you, too.
Likewise, our heavenly Father will continue to fight unceasingly for your well-being on this earth, by the powerful sanctity of His covenant-family of His Son Jesus Christ and of the Holy Spirit from heaven above to rescue you from Satan's every day lies, curses, terrible traps that are set up already for you to fall into them anytime now. More to the point, since our heavenly Father began His personal covenant-family of the sacred-flesh and the atoning-blood with Abraham and Sarah's barren-womb, for God to be born on earth thus to rescue not only His children but also to establish Israel to do His will always as it is in heaven by the holy angels, then He almost never uses His angels.
The reason being is that our heavenly Father will very hardly use His holy angels to begin the Kingship of Israel, the priesthood, the high priest's daily duties or as the Lamb with the atoning-blood to remove sin, it is because only His family from heaven above have the these duties to rescue His children lost to Satan's lies and hell's torment. Certainly that, our heavenly Father has always used His holy angels, as messengers and to perform His great miracles before His children throughout the nations, beginning with Israel, but to give the Kingship or high priest daily duties or to be the Lamb with the atoning-blood to remove sin, it is only reserved to His Son Jesus Christ and the Holy Spirit.
For this is only the work of His covenant-family of His Son Jesus Christ and of the Holy Spirit from heaven above that will not only start the birth of children within Israel and the families of the nations, but also, the necessary work to exercise progressively thus to defeat Satan's hidden lies, curses and deceptions bound to destroy His covenant-family. What is more, our heavenly Father had to do it this way always in heaven with the angels and on earth with humankind, because Adam and Eve betrayed him and the children also at times, just as Lucifer and the one-third of the fallen angels that wanted the wicked-name of Lucifer to be exalted above God's holy name and His covenant-family.
And so, our heavenly Father will never trust with His personal glory to any man, woman and child much less to any holy angel from heaven above, but all His trust always lies over His Son Jesus Christ and the Holy Spirit not only to be born as King of Israel but also as the savior of His children from the nations. That is to say, also that our heavenly Father has always fought against Satan to save His children, beginning with Adam and Eve, with His covenant-family composed of His Son Jesus Christ and the Holy Spirit, so He may not only establish His covenant-family on earth but also bring them back to heaven eternally saved and justified.
That is why, that our heavenly Father has always started His covenants of life with Abraham, Isaac, Jacob and even Moses over Jerusalem's holy hill, and always with His Son Jesus Christ, in the middle of the three crosses from heaven above, because this is where His altar is, for His name to be sanctified by everyone's heart and lips for salvation. Therefore, Jerusalem's holy hill has always been His heavenly home-sweet-home for His covenant-family of His Son Jesus Christ as the door and narrow way to ascend Jacob's ladder into heaven's glory and for the Holy Spirit to burn wildly at the presence of His holy name to be invoked for sanctification and eternal salvation, by anyone on earth, returning to God.
For Jerusalem's holy hill, it is not only our heavenly Father's eternal home for His Son Jesus Christ and for His Holy Spirit but also for Adam and Eve and the children, and this is where every holy angel will always have to come to eat the bread and wine to continue to be holy for the service of God, into eternity. This is the place where Lucifer along with the fallen angels used to serve our heavenly Father and His Son Jesus Christ, because they were created holy to serve Him and His Son forever, by the power of the Holy Spirit, and they were continually maintained holy by the enriching powers, of the atoning-blood shed at the foot of the sacred cross.
However, when sin was found in Lucifer and within the one-third of the angels that followed him to rebel against our heavenly Father and His Son Jesus Christ over Jerusalem's holy hill, then they were never again allowed to ascend into heaven's glory through the door and narrow way up Jacob's ladder into our heavenly Father' s holy presence. For the reason that, every angel that descended from heaven to do any of their daily tasks for our heavenly Father throughout His Creation, then, after they had fulfilled their duties to execute within the families of the nations, for example, then to return to heaven they had to stand in holy ground to wash themselves clean from impurities.
Unquestionably, this is how the holy angels, archangels, seraphs, cherub, and other holy creatures from heaven above maintained themselves pure and clean from impurities and contaminations from the entire creation, so they will never ascend into heaven's glory with sin or impurities, but only pure and holy to stand in our heavenly Father's holy presence. However, ever since that the fallen angels sinned against our heavenly Father and His Son Jesus Christ, then they were no longer welcome over Jerusalem's holy hill to enter through the door and narrow way up Jacob's ladder, to step into our heavenly Father's kingdom of heaven, but they were shunned, and commanded to stand away from heaven's glory, forever.
Then, Lucifer with the one-third of the fallen angels, after receiving our heavenly Father's judgment they were thrown into hell's torment, because this is where they will wait for Judgment Day, when our heavenly Father will finally judge them for their sin and rebellion against Him and His Son Jesus Christ, for attempting to exalt their wicked leader above His holy name. All the fallen angels, as they were cast from heaven's glory and forbidden to return to Jerusalem's holy hill, then they thought that they will remain glorious, holy and powerful as they were in heaven's glory since the day of their creation, but, they soon find out that they needed to be washed clean from sin again as always.
For the reason that, the glory and power that they represented and possessed always in heaven's glory, as they were servants of our heavenly Father and of His Son Jesus Christ, began to fade away from them that they began to take on different forms and shapes that characterizes them to these days, as very wicked and ugly looking to radiate terror. Meaning that, they are not longer glorious, especial, admirable, worthy, powerful and great looking as when they were created and maintained holy, clean and pure by the power of the Lamb of God's atoning-blood shed to the ground of the cross over Jerusalem's holy hill, and so, they tried to become clean, holy and pure again, but they failed.
For the reason that, only the atoning-blood shed to the ground of Jerusalem's holy hill and the cross is what used to make them clean, holy, perfect and pure to ascend Jacob's ladder into our heavenly Father's holy presence, thus to serve Him and His holy name as usual, but they are now shunned from heaven, never to become holy again, forever. Then, that is why that the fallen angels have become so wicked, ugly looking, and offensively evil until now, because they are shunned from Jerusalem's holy hill holy ground, where our Lord Jesus Christ's atoning-blood had been shed since Creation day thus to clean them from sin and impurities, so they may remain holy and perfect always as they were initially created.
What is more, many fallen angels tried to return to Jerusalem's holy hill to stand in holy ground, but they were taken away by the power and fire of the Holy Spirit to be cast into hell's torment until Judgment Day, when they will finally answer to the sin and rebellion that they committed against our heavenly Father and His holy name. Convincingly, our heavenly Father's holy name that has always existed in perfect holiness within the heart and atoning-blood of His Son, because he alone is His personal high priest, Lamb with the atoning-blood to remove sin, and the eternal temple that will not only keep it holy forever but also the angelic hosts into eternity, needs to make you holy right now.
And so, the fallen angels really thought that they would continue to be holy and perfect forever as when they were created in heaven's glory, by the power of our heavenly Father's holy name and word, but, they soon discovered that the power and glory of perfect holiness were always possible in them by been washed clean, by His Son's shed atoning-blood. Many of these fallen angels that tried to return to Jerusalem's holy hill to be cleaned from their sin, by the power of His Son's shed atoning-blood, then they had to be chained-and-shackled in deep darkness of the Abysm, because they were too powerful to allow roaming the earth and Creation; eventually they will be liberated in Judgment Day to die.
These fallen angels will be liberated to stand in our heavenly Father's Great White Throne to answer for their sin and rebellion against His Son Jesus Christ and His holy name that lives in him in perfect holiness, by the power of his atoning-blood, and after judgment is passed then death in the lake of fire, forever into eternity. But, before that is to happen, our heavenly Father will liberate some of these terrible fallen angels from darkness, so they may roam the earth thus to judge and punish those that have refused to sanctify His holy name over Jerusalem's holy hill, because this is home-sweet-home of His Son and of His name along with the Holy Spirit and the angels.
Holy angels that are always going through Jacob's ladder fulfilling our heavenly Father's will upon the nations, because they are the ones that although are not permitted to preach the Gospel of salvation of His holy name and sacred life of the Lamb, as His personal high priest with the atoning-blood to remove sin, then they are only to execute miracles nonetheless. These are powerful holy angels that will go anywhere from Jerusalem's holy hill to assist all those that are ready to invoke our heavenly Father's holy name, causing great miracles, so they may not only be washed from sin and rebellion from within their hearts and entire bodies, but also to become Holy Spirit born, so they may become God's legitimate children.
That is why, that after our heavenly Father had granted Moses to receive the two tablets of the commandments, then within the commandments He guaranteed Moses and Israel the promise that He will personally meet with everyone ascending Jerusalem's holy hill to invoke His holy name, for deliverance and eternal salvation--and He will meet them anytime with powerful blessings there. Provided that, our heavenly Father had not only received Abraham and his son Isaac over Jerusalem's holy hill to initiate the nonstop sacrifice that will be consummated by the children with His Son Jesus Christ nailed to Adam and Eve with His holy name, so they may dress with the covenant-family of the sacred-flesh and of the atoning-blood for salvation.
Just the same, our heavenly Father is waiting for every man, woman and child nowadays not only from Israel to ascend Jerusalem's holy hill to sanctify His holy name, for the door to open to the narrow way ascending into Jacob's ladder into heaven's glory, so they may be born from the Holy Spirit instantly, as they are cleansed from sin, forever. That is why, that you must ascend Jerusalem's holy hill along with your loved ones, so you may sanctify His holy name over His golden altar where you were born initially, by the power of the Holy Spirit, because He prayed and shed tears of the Holy Spirit over yours bodies, so you may be born blessed to do His will always.
For this is His home-sweet-home, Jerusalem's holy hill, that is, where His Son Jesus Christ not only became your King Messiah, because you were destined to be born from his covenant-family sacred-flesh, atoning-blood and pristine life, but also it is here from where he began to love you as you have never been loved before for all eternity. Besides, this profound love that our Lord Jesus Christ feels for each one of you, from Israel and from the families of the nations, it is just as great as our heavenly Father's love that He felt within His holy heart, as you were born by the Holy Spirit in His image to live in His likeness forever in heaven's glory.
Moreover, this is the perfect love of our heavenly Father and of His Son that you will feel entirely within your heart, as you approach today Jerusalem's holy hill that will bath you with everlasting love that you will never be able to understand it, because it is God's ancient love and mercy for you and for your loved ones for eternity. And so, it is a great feeling to enjoy within your heart and entire humanity, as you may stand over Jerusalem's holy hill, invoking His holy name over holy ground, saturated with his atoning-blood that not only cleanses you from sin but also, altogether, enriches you with the Holy Spirit's peace and abundant gifts, so you will never be the same again.
Over Jerusalem's holy hill, invoking our heavenly Father's holy name nailed to Adam and Eve with His Son Jesus Christ is still standing there, speaking to you words of life and blessings for you and for your loved ones, then you will feel not only filled with His ancient love, but also you will feel that you are back home to stay. Certainly, once you get there, then you will never want to turn your back on this holy site much less abandon it forever as the ancients did blindly, but you will want to continue to enjoy the love, peace, mercy and great salvation glory that emanates constantly to enrich your life on earth and into eternity in heaven's glory.
At last, you will descend from Jerusalem's holy hill, after experiencing great blessings within your heart and your entire humanity, just to let others know, as your loved ones and friends to ascend to the mountaintop to begin to sanctify our heavenly Father's holy name that is nailed to Adam and Eve, for everyone's forgiveness and lasting mercies of eternal salvation. These days, regardless of your religion and faith to God, you must ascend Jerusalem's holy hill to sanctify our heavenly Father's holy name forever, nailed to Adam and Eve with the covenant-family of the sacred-flesh and the atoning-blood of His Son Jesus Christ, so you may become part of His eternal family on earth, ascending into heaven's glory forever justified.
For there is no other place like it in heaven's glory for the angels much less on earth for every man, woman and child from all the families of the nations, beginning with Israel, but to be at Jerusalem's holy hill, invoking our heavenly Father's holy name forever, for forgiveness, salvation, prosperity, and never-ending richness of lasting happiness of our living-souls. This is your covenant-family life of the sacred-flesh and of the atoning-blood of our heavenly Father's blessed Son Jesus Christ, so you may be born again from the power of the Holy Spirit, into the wonderful world of eternal miracles that you have missed until now, for you only to know abundant love, peace, happiness, and never-ending salvation on earth into eternity.
Thus, our heavenly Father is still waiting for you, where He granted you not only the tablets of the commandments but also His holy name along with the tabernacle of reunion with the Most Holy Place, so you may become Holy Spirit born into His covenant-family that always existed with Him, His Son, the Holy Spirit and now you on earth. There are only great richness awaiting for you at the place that He had called you, even before you were born from your mother's womb, to invoke His holy name over Jerusalem's holy hill and where His Son Jesus Christ as His personal high priest and Lamb shed the atoning-blood to make you divinely holy and perfect, for His covenant-family's blessings, forever. Amen!
Culture and peace for every one today and always!
Cordially yours,
The Bible says there EXIST only one way to heaven!
JESUS said, "I am the way, the truth, and the life, no man comes unto the heavenly
Father, but by me" John, 14:6
Nobody else can save you. Trust JESUS today!
That if thou shalt confess with thy mouth the L-rd Yeshua, and shalt believe
within your heart that GOD hath raised him from the dead, then thou shalt be saved."
Romans 10: 9
You must do the Following:
Put your faith to work, and pray right now in your heart and soul.
Admit you are a sinner. See Romans 3:10
Be willing to turn from sin (repent) See Acts 17:30
Believe that JESUS died for you, was buried and rose from the dead. See Romans
10-: 9-10
Through prayer, invite JESUS into your life to become your personal Savior. See
Romans 10:13
What to pray? Or what to say to the HEAVENLY FATHER in the NAME of JESUS CHRIST in Prayer...?
That if you confess with your mouth, "Jesus is Lord," and believe in your heart that God raised him from the dead, you will be saved.
For it is with your heart that you believe and are justified, and it is with your mouth that you confess and are saved. As the Scripture says, "Anyone who trusts in him will never be put to shame." For there is no difference between Jew and Gentile, rich or poor, small or great, wise or not-- just the same, the Lord is Lord of all and richly blesses them who call on him, for, "Everyone who calls on the name of the Lord will be saved." Romans 10:9-13
Dear GOD, I am a sinner and in need of forgiveness. I believe that the L-rd JESUS
shed His PRECIOUS BLOOD and died for my sin. I am willing to turn from sin. I
now invite JESUS to come into my heart and life as my personal Savior.
If you said the above PRAYER, then YOU ACCEPTED Jesus Christ as your ONLY WAY
Did you receive Jesus Christ as your LORD and Savior TODAY?
YES _____? or, NO ______?
Date____/____/___ YES ______? or, NO ______?
If you trusted JESUS as your Savior, you have just begun a wonderful new life with Him. Now:
Read your Bible every day to get to know JESUS CHRIST better. Talk to GOD in prayer in the NAME of JESUS CHRIST every day. Be baptized in water submersion and in the power of the Holy Spirit of God, worship, fellowship, and serve with other Messianic Jews and gentile believers as well in a Temple where JESUS is preached and the Bible is the final authority.
Tell others about JESUS.
Now, a reminder, do not forget to pray for me; please include me in your prayers for me and my loved ones, for your prayers are very important in heaven. You do not have any idea how important your prayers are in Heaven; Jesus suffered, anguished, prayed, cried, shed His Precious Blood and Died on the Cross of Golgotha for your prayers to be heard in Heaven in the Holy of Holiest. That is CORRECT. The Holy Father, Jesus Christ and the Holy Spirit, and all the Holy Angels hear your prayers in Heaven in the Holy of Holiest, too. I most add that THERE is a GREAT FESTIVITY with GOD and all the HOLY ANGELS in HEAVEN's glories as you do the SINNERS PRAYER and SPEAK to GOD in the NAME of HIS WONDERFUL King Messiah and HOLY SON, JESUS CHRIST. Thank you.